Mobile technology can be a great tool for the career truck driver, and there are many great apps available. Here are just a few helpful apps that can help you save time, money and effort while driving.
Help With Traffic
Navigating can be difficult at times, especially when your GPS system has outdated maps or won’t let you find a way around traffic. The Waze Social GPS app collects information from millions of other users to alert you ahead of time about traffic jams, accidents, or other road hazards. The app also features a gas price alert, helping you find cheaper fuel without a major amount of hassle. The real-time updates keep you in the loop so that your travel is easier and more economical.
Find Good Truck Parking
Not knowing where to park can be a huge problem, and finding a location that offers free parking for truckers isn’t always easy. The Park My Truck app is being developed to allow public and private parking providers to mark their location and information on a map. This information will then be made available to any career truck driver with internet access, giving them the ability to locate parking with ease.
Avoid Distractions
Distracted driving can be incredibly dangerous, both for drivers and for those around them. Looking away from the road to read or respond to a text may be tempting, but it’s also incredibly hazardous and unsafe. FleetSafer Mobile helps truckers avoid these distractions by disabling texting and web browsing or emailing when the truck is in motion. The system turns on automatically, which means that you don’t have to remember to turn it on.
Get Rid Of Paper Logs
The BigRoad Log Book App app is perfect for the career truck driver who wishes to get rid of paper logs. The app keeps track of status changes and creates a log which can easily be edited as needed. It automatically calculates available drive time, and can also send vehicle inspection reports, logs, and other scanned documents to your fleet. The app has both U.S. and Canadian rules included, and can help you better manage and follow HOS rules. Of course, if you’re an ABCO driver you don’t need this app as all trucks come equipped with ELD devices.
Stay Healthy
It can be challenging for a career truck driver to eat healthy on the road. Hours are long and access to restaurants is limited. Using the FatSecret app allows drivers to find nutrition info for meals at many restaurants as well as packaged food items. This free app also allows you to track your total daily calories, carbohydrates and fat, as well as the number of calories you burned.
Need a job? ABCO transportation is hiring career truck drivers, so contact us today if you’d like to work with our company.