ABCO Transportation makes safety our first priority. We would like to provide you with some tips on how to stay safe while out driving. We understand it is hard to put down the devices, especially when people expect you to reply promptly but make sure your family and friends understand you can risk your job or worse, someone’s life. Continue reading to learn what truck drivers need to know about being distracted while driving, as well as the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration rules and regulations.
What Are The Details?
- Drivers caught texting or using hand-held mobile phones are subject to disqualifications, fines and being put out of service.
- CMV drivers dialing mobile phones were six times more likely to be involved in an accident.
- Fleet management systems used for dispatching through similar devices are allowed and don’t fall under the same FMCSA guidelines.
- Since a lot of states don’t have decisive rules in regards to distracted driving and exactly what it entails, the FMCSA rules will apply regardless of the state you are driving in.
- CMV data shows that drivers who text while driving are 23 times more likely to involved in an accident.
- If you want access to a device of this type you will have to find a hands-free option which is accepted.
How Is Distracted Driving Defined?
- No Holding
- No Reaching
- No Dialing
- No Reading
- No Texting
The Use of a Mobile Device as Defined by FMCSA
- Using at least one hand to hold a mobile phone to make a call
- Dialing a mobile phone by pressing more than a single button
- Reaching for a mobile phone that will put the driver out of a seated driving position restrained by the seat belt.
Currently there aren’t specific rules and regulations related to other functions of similar devices such as using the camera and note-taking programs. But don’t think you can use that as an excuse as it’s the same result as just handling the device.
What Type of Penalties Are There?
- Drivers can be fined up to $2,750
- If you are a repeat offender you can become disqualified or put out-of-service for up to 120 days.
- The driver’s employer can be fined up to $11,000 if they knowingly allow or require drivers to use hand-held devices while driving.
- Safety Measurement System ratings will be negatively affected due to violations by that company’s driver.
- Violations are considered serious traffic violations and penalties are taken from FCMSA guidelines.
Please take the time to review these guidelines and regulation to make sure you are following all the proper rules. Don’t risk your livelihood or someone’s safety by using handheld devices on the road.
ABCO Transportation ensures our truck drivers are following the proper regulations and current rules. We have innovative technology to solve some of these concerns. Are you looking for the right company to drive for that cares about you? Contact us or reach out on our social media channels.