In our world we work 24/7 and for truck drivers that isn’t much of an exaggeration. You can’t drive 24/7 but if you spend most days and nights in your truck…. Well, you are living with your work. Have you ever wanted to do more with your time? Keep reading to find out how you can safely multitask as a truck driver.
ABCO Transportation wants you to know – we give a crap about our drivers. You work hard and we couldn’t get the job done without you. We appreciate the time and effort our drivers put in every day, as we strive to provide new and innovative ideas to support you out on the road.
Did You Know?
Most days the average American spends between one to two hours commuting to and from work. For most people that adds up to around 375 hours a year. That is a significant amount of time that can be better utilized by listening to audio books. That time becomes even more significant for truck drivers who spend eight to 10 hours a day driving their truck. If we were to estimate eight hours a day for truck drivers, that amounts to over 2,000 hours each year. That’s a lot of additional time to become interested in any subject or even dive into some great fantasy stories. That’s why audio books for truck drivers are a great idea.
OK, don’t panic. There is a lot to figure out if you are just diving into the world of audio books. Don’t worry, we’ll work through this together. You have two options at this point. You can either start with figuring out what type of genre you like and what authors you are interested in or you can start with your devices and figure out the logistics of how and where you will be listening.
But I Forgot My Headphones!
In most cases if you have a smart phone that is a great place to start. You will most likely want to take advantage of your smart phone because it will provide the most available options instead of having to carry around and use a specific device for only audio books. Both Android and iPhone users have a selection of apps to download and listen to audio books. Both of these devices allow the user to connect to a truck stereo so you can listen in-cab. Please don’t wear headphones while driving. It is unsafe and can distract you from your surroundings.
We recommend you start with some free to paid options. Audiobooks and Overdrive are two great options to begin your audio book experience. These apps will offer free books to download but also provide options to purchase and download more recent or premium titles. Make sure to check back next week and we will go over some additional apps and ideas to help you find the material you want to hear.
ABCO Transportation wants to remind you safety is our number one priority. Please make sure to be aware of your surroundings while enjoying your audio books. Spend some time to set yourself up for success before you begin your next load. If you have a few favorite books or some tips, please leave a comment on one of our social media channels. If you have any questions or want to learn more, contact us! Want to share this article? We’ve got the tweet ready for you!
Keep on #trucking and reading, too! Hit the road and listen to some great titles with #AudioBooks: http://t.co/3plZuuV82L
— ABCO Transportation (@DriveABCO) June 26, 2015