Take a peek inside the cooler or refrigerator of the average truck driver and you’ll find a wide array of choices for meals, snacks, and beverages, especially for those away from home for long stretches of time.
Drivers take expenses into account when it comes to what they pack for meals while out on the road. Just like at home, those who like to snack may have an assortment of their favorite chips, cookies or other treats, health-conscious drivers load up their coolers with fresh fruit and veggies to munch on. Those wanting more of a taste of home also pack meat like chicken or beef to make inexpensive full-course meals.
A Peek Inside the Cooler…
We asked several of our truck drivers about their meal choices and they shared what types of food they take along on the road with them. So, take a peek inside their cooler and maybe you’ll be inspired with a few ideas of your own!
Kevin W. carries a case of water and several additional gallons of water along with milk, tea and lemonade to keep hydrated while on the road. This veteran driver of 30-plus years, based out of North Carolina, said he’s developed a system when it comes to preparing for a haul. He’s typically gone for a week at a time.
He shares that when the refrigerator in his cab is functional, he packs it with chicken and other meat in order to cook meals in a portable crock pot. Kevin enjoys fresh vegetables and fruit and packs his cooler with his favorite assortment of salads.
Everyone is on a budget, so it’s no surprise that drivers like Kevin take cost into account when it comes to packing for meals while out on the road.
“It’s too expensive to go into restaurants all the time so this is how I eat,” Kevin says.
Leonard T, based out of South Carolina, has been driving a truck for nine years and is on the road an average of three weeks at a time. He loves to stock his cooler with fruits and vegetables to make salads. In an attempt to avoid red meat when possible, Leonard pre-packs veggies to make it easier while traveling. He also turns to drinks like V-8 Splash, Gatorade and water, which he keeps in the cooler.
A lot of tips he gained about packing for the road come from his father, who’s been a truck driver for 40 years.
“It helps save money and also helps me stay healthy,” Leonard said.

Truck drivers say having the ingredients of a good sandwich on hand is a must-have when they are on the road.
The Must-Have List
Staples like deli meat slices, cheese, bread, and peanut butter and jelly for the tried and true sandwich also round out the list of must-have things to pack.
In addition, truck stops are paying closer attention to what drivers are packing in their refrigerators and coolers, as well as what they look for when they make a stop. A number of truck stops are providing fresher and healthier options for drivers to choose from if they need to stock up on the road.
What to Pack
Creativity and pre-planning can help truck drivers keep their in-cab coolers or refrigerators ready for wherever the road may lead them while hauling freight.
Drivers, what are the must-have items in your cooler or refrigerator? Can’t leave home without your favorite fruit juice, stash of grapes, or mom’s apple pie? Share your tips with us to help out fellow drivers. Also, be sure to connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.