The time on the road for a truck driver rarely lines up with all of the special events taking place back at home. But in the age of technology and social media, truck drivers are finding ways to stay connected to their loved ones and friends across the miles. Connections can be made for special occasions like Father’s Day, a winning baseball game, or recital so the driver can share the moment with his or her family.
Post It On Social
Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter have made it possible to check in and see what everyone is up to back at home. Posting several quick Tweets and photos can help the driver keep up with the event and feel included. A Facebook post with a special Father’s Day greeting goes a long way in letting the driver know that his family appreciates him and misses him while on the road. The Facebook messaging tool is great for private conversations one on one or in a group too.
Drivers can use social media to take cool and interesting photos of where they are and post so family and friends can share in their travels. Try making a game for school age children who can respond with attempts to guess where the photo was taken. It’s a unique way to again create that connection to home so it does not seem so far way.
Capture It On Camera
No one likes to miss the big game, dance recital or sending a special birthday wish. A cell phone and other mobile devices like tablets can fill in the gap to capture video to send to a driver to watch when they have free time. The video can also be shared on social media with the driver as well. It’s another way to help keep the driver connected to what’s going on at home.
Face to Face…Almost
Services like Skype, Google+ Hangouts, and Apple’s FaceTime can provide that needed face to face time with loved ones during an extended haul. Just a few moments to see the winning team trophy from the big game can make a huge difference for both the driver and family members to feel connected. A driver can use Skype from a variety of mobile devices including laptops, tablets and cell phones.
Text or Call Home
The cell phone is useful to send a quick text message home to a loved one. And sometimes, just hearing the other person’s voice on the phone is the main connection needed for a brief update from home.
So if time behind the wheel will keep you away from home on a special day like Father’s Day, there are a variety of options available to help you stay connected. For instance, drivers for ABCO Transportation are typically away from home on average 14 to 21 days at a time. So staying connected in a variety of ways keeps them up to date on what happened at the PTA meeting or able to celebrate the latest awards ceremony.
Drivers – share with us on Twitter or Facebook the cool ways you’ve found to stay connected to home while on the road!